Stress Testing Security: Red Teaming Stories from the Field to the Boardroom

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, September 24 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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Event Location

Location: S310GH

Event Information

Title: Stress Testing Security: Red Teaming Stories from the Field to the Boardroom


This panel discussion will delve into the lessons learned, surprising strengths, and frequent failures found by red teams. From corporations to consultants, data centers to executive protection programs—panelists will share stories and shed light on how they have tested and improved a wide array of security and protective services programs. Whether it’s janitors stopping criminals more often than security guards, or integrators failing to configure access control systems correctly, the panel will have a lively and eye-opening discussion on the preventable yet frequent vulnerabilities that plague organizations and governments big and small. 

Learning Objective #1: At the end of the session, participants will be excited about the role red teaming can play in their organization, and be armed with the knowledge to safely conduct or oversee tests in their organizations.

Learning Objective #2: At the end of the session, participants will gain insight into novel or surprising areas to look within their programs for vulnerabilities and have examples and case studies showcasing creative ways to mitigate these vulnerabilities.

Learning Objective #3: At the end of the session, participants will be better able to articulate the value of security in their organization, and have examples on hand to showcase how creative security measures can defeat persistent adversaries.

Type: All Access Education


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