Demystifying Biometrics: The Safe or Unsafe Use of Biometrics

Event Time

Wednesday, September 25 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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Event Location

Location: S320EF

Event Information

Title: Demystifying Biometrics: The Safe or Unsafe Use of Biometrics


This panel delves into the realm of biometric technology. 

Join us to decipher the role of biometrics for Identity Access Management (IAM) in our evolving digital world and ensure its responsible utilization.  Expert speakers will navigate through the technological landscape, shedding light on biometrics advantages/disadvantages and address ethical considerations.

We will discuss:

  1. Who benefits from biometrics—why are biometrics a hot topic?
  2. What makes the use of biometrics safe and ethical? Are biometrics really safe to use today?
  3. Where it finds application—what biometric works best for a specific environment?
  4. When its deployment is most effective—identity hunting for great use cases.
  5. Explore the why behind the increasing prominence of biometrics in security and identity verification.

Learning Objective #1: Why biometrics are such a controversial topic.

Learning Objective #2: Establishing privacy, consent, and trust.

Learning Objective #3: Which biometric works for specific environments and their use cases.

Type: All Access Education


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